Keys for Successful Spartan Race Hydration

Making sure you're properly hydrated before, during and after a Spartan race will be a key to peak performance during the race and post-race recovery. Pre-race hydration takes more than simply chugging water or a sports beverage just before you begin to run the course.

Pre-race hydration should start at least four hours before start time. An average 150-pound athlete should consume 10 to 15 ounces of liquid in addition to their regular daily hydration routine. This doesn't always have to be water. TapouT sports beverages contain five electrolytes and nine vitamins to give you energy, improve muscle performance and keep your mind sharp.

Tapout vs the competition

Most longer Spartan Races will have hydration stations at some point along the course. If you're running a sprint course, you probably won't need to stop for water or a TapouT during the race, but Spartan Beast courses will take a huge toll on your hydration levels, so you'll want to plan on replenishing at some point during the race. Many experienced racers carry hydration backpacks so they don't have to stop at a hydration station.

This will help supply your body with water, but sometimes your body needs electrolytes and sodium to perform at its peak, so plain water may not be enough. Having a TapouT Citrus Blast waiting for you at a hydration station will not only rehydrate, but supply these essential minerals and vitamins. We'll go into more detail about the importance of electrolytes and sodium later.

Your hydration routine shouldn't end once your Spartan Race does. Consuming fluids after your race is very important to replace the fluids your body has used during these grueling events. You should consume eight ounces of fluids every 15 minutes for effective rehydration.

The Importance of Electrolytes

Electrolytes are electrically charged minerals that your body needs to perform. The five essential electrolytes are:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Chloride
  • Calcium

While all five of these are vital elements that keep your body functioning properly, you'll want to make sure that you pay close attention to your sodium and potassium intake when preparing for a Spartan Race.

Sodium helps you retain the fluids that keep you hydrated. This is very important when participating in an endurance event such as a Spartan Race. If you deplete your sodium resources, you'll dehydrate faster and could potentially develop a serious medical condition known as hyponatremia. Sodium also has other benefits for athletes, such as:

  • Maintaining a balance of fluids in your body's cells
  • Promotes optimal contraction and relaxation of muscles
  • Helps transmit nerve impulses throughout your body

Potassium is the electrolyte that is commonly associated with cramp prevention, but it also does more to help athletes perform their best. It maintains your body's pH balance allowing it to use water more efficiently, it helps maintain healthy blood pressure under stressful conditions and it promotes the transfer of carbohydrates to your muscles. All of these things will boost your performance on race day.

Water doesn't naturally contain sodium, potassium or the other electrolytes. Both TapouT's regular Citrus Kick and low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast contain 240mg of sodium and enough potassium to boost these levels before, during and after even the most grueling Spartan Race. Make sure you include one of these as part of your routine to keep your body performing under duress and give you an edge over the competition.

Other Benefits of TapouT for Spartan Racers

TapouT not only has plenty of sodium, potassium and other electrolytes, it also has other benefits over water that will boost performance for Spartan Race enthusiasts.

TapouT Citrus Kick flavor contains 30g of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates supply your muscles with sugars that are converted into energy. As you run a Spartan Race or participate in any other type of endurance event, your body uses up carbs and the sugars that supply you energy. Drinking a Citrus Kick mid-race can resupply your body with carbs giving you an extra store of energy to propel you towards the finish line.

Your body's physical performance isn't the only thing that TapouT sports drinks take care of. Keeping your concentration sharp and your mind focused is very important, especially with the variety of obstacles you must overcome in a Spartan Race. Both TapouT Citrus Kick and low-sugar Cherry Lemonade Blast have plenty of vitamins to help keep your mind sharp. TapouT contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12

Not only will TapouT help you hydrate for your next Spartan Race, it will supply electrolytes for performance and vitamins your body and brain needs to stay sharp.
