Jon Jones has been nearly perfect in the UFC Light-Heavyweight division suffering only one career UFC loss. As Jones moves up to the heavyweight division and sets his sights on a UFC Heavy-Weight Title bout it's fun to speculate on potential matchups. We have five fighters we'd love to see step into the octagon with Jon "Bones" Jones.

Stipe Miocic

We don't want to see Jones take on undercard performers to build up a resume before moving into title contention, that's why we'd love to see Jones line up a fight with heavyweight title holder Stipe Miocic.

Miocic has been a force himself having recently defended his UFC Heavyweight Belt at UFC 252 against Daniel Cormier. If you want to be the best, you have to beat the best. A matchup between the UFC Heavyweight Champion and Jon Jones would cement Jones' legacy as one of the best pound for pound fighters in the sport if he could take the heavyweight title quickly after entering the division.

Francis Ngannou

If Jones can't cement an early title bout, why not step into the octagon with a fighter who has recently held the UFC Heavyweight Title?

A match between "Bones" and Ngannou would be a great heavyweight match pitting Jones against a fighter who has held the top spot as recently as January 2020. Known as "The Predator," Francis Ngannou has a history of taking the fight to his opponents as soon as the bell rings. He recently went on a tear of defeating four out of five opponents in the first round. The excitement of "The Predator's" fighting style versus "Bones'" pound-for-pound dominance would be an incredible matchup.

Derrick Lewis

Derrick Lewis has been described as a "nightmare matchup" should he enter the ring for Jon Jones' heavyweight debut. Lewis has a top-contender resume in his own right, and there's speculation he may be in line for a heavyweight title fight in the near future.

Lewis has downplayed the potential of meeting Jones in the ring, insinuating that he doesn't really care who he fights, stating that "it doesn't affect me in any way." He has also commented that he believes it would be an incredibly close fight that would go the distance, and he would probably defeat "Bones" Jones by a close decision.

Alistair Overeem

The Dutch kickboxing specialist may pose an intriguing threat to Jon Jones in the UFC's Heavyweight Division. One of Jones' major advantages over opponents has been his reach and ability to keep opponents at bay due to his size. The lanky Overeem has a similar wingspan that takes that advantage away from the brash Jones.

Overeem is known as one of the most proficient strikers in the heavyweight division, and since his style is very similar to Jones, this would make for an exciting contest and provide a gauge as to just how successful Jones can be in the heavyweight division.

Junior Dos Santos

Former UFC Heavyweight Champion Junior Dos Santos has gone on record saying that he would cut weight to enter the light-heavyweight division in order to get a matchup with Jon "Bones" Jones, but now that Jones is moving up a weight class, a matchup between "Bones" and JDS could be closer to becoming a reality.

Santos has recently mixed up his diet preferring a keto-friendly diet in an effort to trim the fat and help retain his speed against upcoming opponents. If these changes improve him as a heavyweight fighter, his speed could counter some of Jones's reach and power advantages.

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