We often hear talk about sports beverages containing electrolytes and that these minerals are essential, but what exactly are electrolytes and why are they so important? Well, electrolytes are not only important for athletes, but the human body requires electrolytes for a number of reasons. Let’s take a closer look at what these minerals actually are and what they do for us.

What are Electrolytes?

Electrolytes are minerals that maintain an electric charge when dissolved into fluids, such as your bloodstream. Your bloodstream carries these minerals to be used in every part of your body and help various systems function properly. Some of the reasons we need electrolytes to include:

Fluid and blood plasma regulation
Nervous system transmission
Enabling of muscle contraction and expansion
Regulation of blood pH
Regulation of the beating of the heart
As you can see, neglecting electrolyte intake can lead to neglecting most of the key systems of the human body.

What Happens if We Don’t Consume Enough Electrolytes?

Not having the right amount of certain electrolytes in your system can result in an electrolyte imbalance, which inhibits our body’s performance and ability to function properly. An imbalance can be caused by:

  • Excessive sweat due to heat or exercise
  • Consuming foods and beverages that contain no electrolytes
  • Dehydration

When you sweat, you sweat out a lot more than water. You also lose electrolytes. If your body is already running low before sweating due to exercise, heat or work, you’ll lose what little resources you have. If your body has an adequate supply before you lose electrolytes due to sweat and you fail to replace them in a timely manner, you also run the risk of electrolyte depletion and imbalance. That’s why it’s important to consume a beverage such as TapouT that contains plenty of the electrolytes your body needs such as sodium, potassium, magnesium, chloride and calcium.

You can also run the risk of electrolyte imbalance due to dietary choices. Drinking excess water can flush electrolytes out of your system before your body has a chance to use them. If the fluids and foods you consume contain insufficient electrolytes, you could be vulnerable to an imbalance as your body uses its reserves.

Illness and dehydration can increase the rate your body uses electrolytes. If you become easily dehydrated or are ill for an extended period of time, it’s important to replenish these electrolytes with a beverage such as a TapouT sports drink that contains plenty of the electrolytes your body requires.

What do Specific Electrolytes do for You?

There are five essential electrolytes that must be supplied to your body for proper function. These are:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride

Each of these electrolytes perform a certain function, and you should make sure that you supply your body with these minerals. Let’s take a closer look at the functions of each.


Sodium helps regulate fluid distribution to your cells. If you deplete your sodium levels, you run the risk of suffering from a condition known as hyponatremia. Once your body has run out of sodium, it can no longer regulate the fluids you consume. Extreme cases of hyponatremia can lead to seizures, coma and even death.

You’ll want to be careful about the sources of sodium in your diet. Processed and fast foods contain sodium, but many times in excess levels that can cause health problems that can be increased when combined with the artificial ingredients in these foods. If you’re looking for a natural source of sodium, every bottle of TapouT contains 240mg to help your body regulate fluid use.


Potassium helps your muscles contract, regulates your heart rate and helps store glycogen for energy. Low potassium levels can lead to muscle cramps, spasms and fatigue. An extended potassium deficiency may lead to kidney problems.


Magnesium also helps the heart, muscles and works alongside calcium to promote bone health. Extreme magnesium depletion can cause life-threatening illnesses if left unchecked. It’s also wise to check where you’re getting you magnesium from as high doses can lead to dangerously low blood pressure and heart issues. Most foods and beverages that include magnesium, however, contain a healthy amount of these important electrolytes, but it’s wise to consult a physician if you choose to take an extra magnesium supplement.


Calcium is necessary for strong bones, a healthy heart and proper blood flow. Low calcium can result in brittle bones, cataracts in the eyes and muscle cramps. Calcium works in coordination with magnesium, so it’s important to include both in your dietary regimen.


Your body requires chloride to assist the other electrolytes in their jobs. It helps keeps a balance in the fluid in your cells, maintains proper blood pressure and regulates the pH of your body’s fluids.

TapouT and Electrolytes

All TapouT flavors contain sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride in levels that your body can absorb and use for proper function. Each flavor is scientifically formulated to give your body an electrolyte boost when you start your day or begin an exercise routine as well as replenish these minerals after a tough day of work in a hot environment.

TapouT Citrus Kick contains 120 calories to give athletes and those with physically demanding jobs an energy boost. We also have two zero-sugar flavors, Cherry Lemonade Blast and Wild Orange, that replenish your body’s electrolytes while only containing 10 calories.