We all know that you should drink more water when the weather gets hot, but do you know the risks of not staying properly hydrated in extreme heat?

Let's take a look at the dangers of neglecting hydration in conditions of extremely high temperatures.

The Signs of Dehydration

Hot weather or working in a high-temperature environment can drain your body of the fluids it needs to stay healthy, even if your activity level is low. When exposed to an abnormally high temperature, be aware of the following symptoms of dehydration:

  • Thirst
  • Abnormal fatigue
  • Light-headedness
  • Mental confusion
  • Dizzy spells
  • Infrequent urination

If you begin to experience any of these symptoms, you should do whatever you can to replenish your bodily fluids. In fact, dehydration sets in before any of these symptoms are felt, so you should be taking care to hydrate regularly rather than waiting until you experience dehydration symptoms.

Extreme heat requires a better hydration regimen than simply drinking water. Supplementing your water with a sports beverage such as a TapouT Citrus Kick or Cherry Lemonade Blast can help you hydrate faster and recover from intense heat quicker. TapouT has been specially formulated for maximum absorption to help replenish fluids faster than water. It also contains four electrolytes and nine vitamins to give your body the extra boost it needs to survive hot environments.

Heat Exhaustion vs Heat Stroke

Dehydration is not the only risk you take when exposing your body to intense heat for extended periods of time. Failure to replenish fluids lost due to dehydration under extremely hot conditions can lead to heat exhaustion, or worse, heat stroke. It's important to know the symptoms of both so you can recognize the warning signs.

The symptoms of heat exhaustion include:

  • Excessive perspiration
  • Weak heart beat or low pulse
  • Headaches
  • Fever
  • Muscle cramps
  • Nausea
  • Loss of breath

Our bodies fight heat exhaustion through perspiration, but sometimes the heat burns our supply of natural sodium and electrolytes that help our bodies produce the sweat needed to fight off the ill effects of heat exhaustion. It's important to not only replenish water during extreme heat, but stock up on electrolytes as well. Electrolytes are potassium, calcium, chloride and magnesium. TapouT sports drinks contains more sodium than any other major brand as well as all four of the electrolytes your body needs to ward off heat exhaustion. Add one of these to your routine if you plan on being exposed to extreme temperatures.

Failure to recognize the signs of dehydration and heat exhaustion can lead to a very serious condition known as heat stroke. Heat stroke can damage your brain and body and, if left untreated, it can be deadly. It's important to take care to hydrate properly in hot weather because heat stroke can be a real possibility. Heat stroke occurs when the human body has lost the ability to sweat causing a dangerous spike in the body's internal temperature. Symptoms include:

  • Headaches
  • Fever in excess of 104 degrees
  • Disorientation and confusion
  • Flushed skin

Heat stroke requires more than drinking fluids for recovery. If you experience any of these symptoms while exposed to intense heat, seek medical assistance.

Hydration Routines in High-Heat Environments

If you know you're going to be exposed to extreme heat, make sure you have a hydration plan in place. Here's a few tips to help you ward off dehydration:

  • Drink water at regular intervals
  • Increase water intake over normal levels
  • Always have a full water bottle or water source nearby
  • Include a TapouT sports beverage in your hydration plans
  • Limit heat exposure whenever possible

Not only is it important to maintain a regular fluid consumption schedule when it's hot, you need to increase your water intake as the heat takes a much larger toll on your body than normal temperatures. Keeping water handy will always remind you to drink before you feel any of the effects of dehydration. Try drinking a glass of water every hour and include a TapouT Citrus Kick or low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast at least once during your hydration routine. This will keep you properly hydrated and supply your body with the minerals, electrolytes and vitamins it needs to perform under duress.

How TapouT Sports Drink Improve Hydration in Extreme Heat

Water alone may not properly hydrate your body under extreme heat conditions. TapouT sports drinks are specially formulated to boost hydration efforts and increase mental and physical performance during intense heat. TapouT contains all four electrolytes, vitamins and the most natural sodium of any major sports drink brand. Sodium helps your body retain fluids, and it's something you can't get enough of from water. TapouT also contains all four electrolytes:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Chloride
  • Calcium

These electrolytes give your body the ability to sweat and regulate your internal body temperature. This is essential in extreme heat to ward off dehydration and heat exhaustion.

TapouT sports drinks not only help your body hydrate better, they contain essential vitamins to help your body and mind perform better during intense activity and extreme heat situations. TapouT contains:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6, and B12

Regular TapouT comes in a tasty Citrus Kick flavor, and a low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast is available for those looking for a low-sugar and zero-carb alternative to our Citrus Kick.
