
There are so many benefits to incorporating bodyweight exercise into your exercise routine. Don’t own exercise equipment or have a home gym? Is going to a gym inconvenient? Traveling for work or on vacation, but the hotel does not have a gym? No problem! Despite the lack of weights and other fitness training equipment, bodyweight exercise can still be surprisingly beneficial. Research has found that bodyweight exercise as a form of resistance training is effective at building muscle. Bodyweight exercise has also been found to be effective at improving cardiovascular fitness, flexibility, and muscular endurance.

Functional Exercises with Many Benefits

Most bodyweight exercises are considered functional exercises because they work whole muscle groups instead of just one isolated muscle. Bodyweight exercise is suitable for all levels of physical fitness. You can incorporate bodyweight exercises of increasing difficulty and more sets or reps to suit your fitness goals. As discussed in our last blog post, functional training can help you perform better if you play a sport, perform better in everyday activities, improve balance, and many other benefits. Also, bodyweight exercise shares the same benefits as other physical exercises regarding overall health. These overall health benefits include lowering the risk of heart disease, obesity, diabetes, reducing stress, lifting mood, and so many overall health-related benefits.

Maximizing Muscle Gains with Bodyweight Exercises

Bodyweight exercises share a lot in common with traditional resistance training. However, instead of using external weights to challenge your muscles, you are using your own body weight. You can make bodyweight exercises more effective at building muscle by increasing reps of each exercise, decreasing rest periods between sets, slowing down your movements to increase difficulty, and performing more challenging variations.

Here Are Some Bodyweight Exercise Routines to Get You Started

Of course, if you are more advanced, increase the reps of each exercise, and do more circuits of each routine, the more advanced you become. Start with two (2) circuits, or rounds, of each routine and do more if you want more of a challenge. For a great intermediate workout, do three (3) rounds and try to complete all three rounds in under 30 mins!

Bodyweight Exercise Routine 1

  • 10 push-ups
  • 20 bodyweight squats
  • 10 lunges, each leg
  • 15-second plank
  • 25 jumping jacks

Bodyweight Exercise Routine 2

  • 20 sit-ups
  • 10 burpees
  • 20 bodyweight squats
  • 10 walking lunges
  • 10-second side plank on each side
  • 10 tricep dips (use a chair, bench, or another elevated item to place your hands on)


Lipecki, K., & Rutowicz, B. (n.d.). The impact of ten weeks of bodyweight training on the level of physical fitness Retrieved March 3, 2023, from https://www.researchgate.net/publication/283538191_The_Impact_Of_Ten_Weeks_Of_Bodyweight_Training_On_The_Level_Of_Physical_Fitness_And_Selected_Parameters_Of_Body_Composition_In_Women_Aged_21-23_Years


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