All athletes know that proper hydration will give them an edge and maximize gains from training, but what's the right way to hydrate for intense physical activities? Here are seven tips to help you give your body the hydration it requires to perform.

What to Drink Besides Water

Every hydration routine should include plenty of water, but if you're looking to maximize your performance during a workout and recovery afterward, you may wish to consider supplementing your routine with something besides water.

Before your workout, you should consider drinking a sports performance beverage that contains natural sodium. Our bodies need sodium to store and retain fluids. If you have a sodium deficiency during your workout, you may burn through your water supply quickly and risk-minimizing your gains due to dehydration. Both TapouT Citrus Kick and Cherry Lemonade Blast contain 240mg of natural sodium, more than other major sports beverages.

If you have a long workout planned, you may also want to consume a sports drink like TapouT during your training session. Sports beverages will help replenish the carbs you burn and give your muscles a boost by providing essential electrolytes. TapouT is the only major sports drink brand that contains all four electrolytes and eight vitamins. TapouT has been formulated to give your body a boost by providing:

  • Calcium
  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Chloride
  • Vitamins A, C, E, B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12

Hydration before and during exercise is crucial for better health and performance, but it's important to drink something other than water after your workout to help your body rehydrate and recover. Drinking a TapouT after a workout can help you rehydrate much quicker than water and resupply important vitamins and minerals.

Consume the Right Amount of Fluids

It's important to drink the proper amount of fluids in order to keep yourself properly hydrated. While there isn't an exact measurement of the perfect amount of fluids you should drink, experts recommend drinking approximately eight ounces of fluids for every fifteen minutes of intense exercise.

To stay properly hydrated during athletic training, you should maintain a hydration routine throughout the day. Drinking a glass of water or a TapouT sports drink every hour will prepare your body for exercise much better than consuming large amounts of fluids just before a workout. If you plan on long periods of activity, make sure you drink extra fluids an hour before your scheduled training, but be wary of drinking too much water as your body may process it out before it can be put to good use.

You be noticeably thirsty after any workout, so it's important to consume extra water or a TapouT beverage immediately the following activity to replenish your body's fluid supply

Don't Drink Excess Fluids

As we've mentioned, it's important not to over hydrate before a workout. Drinking too many fluids before or during a workout can lead to health risks, namely a life-threatening condition known as hyponatremia.

If you have a light workout planned, you have very little to worry about when it comes to hyponatremia, but athletes who participate in more intense athletic competitions such as marathons or triathlons should be aware of the signs of hyponatremia.

Hyponatremia occurs when the body is given too much water but doesn't have the sodium reserves to use it properly. Symptoms include nausea, dizziness, confusion, seizures and potential coma in extreme cases. Both flavors of TapouT sports beverages contain the natural sodium your body requires to ward off overhydration.

Don't Neglect Carbohydrates

Carbohydrates are important because they give our bodies the energy we need to complete our workouts. If you're hydrating with only water, you may not be getting the carbs you need to get the most out of your training.

While you do get carbs from the foods you eat, you may wish to supplement your carb intake with a sports performance beverage that is formulated for athletic training. TapouT Citrus Kick will not only help you hydrate better, but it can supply your body with a carbohydrate boost that will give you the energy necessary to perform. TapouT Citrus Kick has 30g of carbohydrates to give you energy before, during and even after your workout.

Hydration and Protein for Recovery

It's important to rehydrate after physical activity as well as consume protein to help our muscles grow and achieve optimal gains from your training. There are many sources of good protein, but a tall glass of chocolate milk will not only help your muscles recover and strengthen, but will help begin your recovery routine.

Protein isn't the only thing your muscles need after a workout. During a workout, you'll lose minerals and vitamins through your sweat. Make sure you also include a TapouT to refresh your body's natural supply of sodium, electrolytes and eight essential vitamins.

Be Aware of Dehydration

If you begin to feel the effects of dehydration, it's vital that you put fluids back in your body without delay. Working out while dehydrated can reduce any gains you will achieve and could lead to serious health risks. Common signs of dehydration include:

  • Excess thirst
  • Abnormal fatigue
  • Confusion
  • Muscle cramps

If you're prone to dehydration, even if you have a regimented hydration routine, you may not be getting enough sodium in your diet. Try increasing your sodium levels before intense athletic activities by replacing a glass of water with either a TapouT Citrus Kick or Cherry Lemonade Blast.

Hydrate Before, During and After Exercise

We've already mentioned it a few times, but it's important to reiterate. Hydration should happen before, during and after a workout.

Drinking fluids before a workout provides your body with the water it needs in order for it to give its best performance. Drinking water or a TapouT during training will replenish fluids your body has burned, and a post-workout sports beverage will help you rehydrate faster and replenish the vitamins, carbohydrates, sodium and electrolytes your body has burned during physical activity.
