Technology has become an integral part of fitness, training and sports in general, and wearable fitness trackers have become a key to maintaining your fitness progress and reaching your goals. With so many options available, it may be hard to find the right one for your chosen activity levels, so let's take a look at some popular choices.

Samsung Galaxy Watch or Apple Watch

We've put these in the same category because they both make great starter fitness trackers depending on which brand of smartphone you prefer. As their names indicate, the Samsung Galaxy Watch works with Samsung products, while the Apple Watch is compatible with iPhones.

Either of these smart watches are great wearables for those purchasing one for the first time, or those who aren't incredibly tech savvy and would prefer an easy setup process. Both of these wearable fitness trackers pair easily with their respective brand of smartphone, and the initial setup is fairly automatic with a few exceptions for advanced features. You can get all of your basic fitness data with a glance, and even start tracking workouts directly from your watch while your phone is charging several feet away.

Since these wearables are designed to work with your phone, you'll also have easy access to your digital assistant, incoming text messages and the ability to receive phone calls via your smart watch.

Both Samsung and Apple allow connectivity to pay-per-month fitness programs that can be tracked via these watches, so for an added fee you can completely integrate your training, smartphone and wearable.

Fit Bit

Many Fit Bit fitness wearable models may be a more affordable solution if you're looking for a wearable on a budget. Fit Bit wearables record nearly any essential fitness and health data that you're looking to track and include an internal GPS to monitor your pace when running, walking or cycling as well as track your distance.

One great feature that Fit Bit utilizes is the ability to continue tracking your fitness data even when it's too far away from your device to sync immediately. Most models will keep track of your health and fitness data and automatically sync once you come within 30 feet of the smartphone, tablet or computer paired with your Fit Bit.

Garmin Wearables

Garmin is well known for innovation with GPS devices, and their smart watches take full advantage of this technology. The higher-end Garmin wearables track pace, distance and nearly any other fitness data that you wish to monitor and record.

Just like the Apple Watch and Samsung Galaxy Watch, the top-of-the-line Garmin Wearables offer hands free calling directly from the watch itself, voice activated texting, access to your digital assistant and notifications from a multitude of apps from your smart phone. It also has plenty of onboard storage space if you wish to take your music with you on your run and leave your phone behind.

If you're looking for something more basic, Garmin also produces a few affordable hybrid fitness wearables. The Vivomove Sport series features all of the basic fitness tracking and notifications from your smartphone without all of the extras for those who just want a simple fitness wearable.

Some Garmin series watches also connect with fitness training programs to keep you motivated and give you direction to reach your goals.

Wearable Fitness Rings

While they haven't quite yet become mainstream, wearable fitness rings are sure to make an impact in the near future. Designed for those who don't like to wear watches, these newer wearables slip on to your finger and record all of the same fitness and health data that a smartwatch does.

Movano is actively developing a fitness ring wearable for the female demographic, giving it a slim look that won't be uncomfortable if you're not used to wearing a watch. The ring will track basic health data such as heart rate, respiration rate and other essential vital signs once approved by the FDA. Other wearable rings have also been showcased at tech and fitness exhibitions, many showing sign of promise to replace smartwatches for those looking for something less obtrusive and more fashionable.

Drink a TapouT

TapouT sports beverages are designed to help athletes utilize natural energy and replenish and recover after a tough workout. TapouT provides superior hydration by giving your body 240mg of natural sodium to moderate fluid use and keep cells hydrated while expanding and contracting. Each bottle of TapouT also contains nine essential vitamins and all five electrolytes to keep your mind and body performing at peak levels under duress. TapouT contains:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride
  • Vitamins A, C and E
  • The B Vitamin Complex

All three flavors of TapouT will satisfy your taste buds as well as your body. Our Citrus contains 120 calories to help power your workout and assist your body in creating natural energy without a post-workout crash. Our Orange and Cherry Lemonade flavors offer the same hydration benefits, vitamins and electrolytes for off days or for those looking for a low-calorie sports drink.