To get the most out of your workout, it's important to make sure that your body has all the fuel it needs to maximize performance. To fully prepare for intense athletic activity, it's necessary to have a plan for what goes into your body before and after training.

Carbohydrates Before a Workout

Your body processes carbohydrates and turns them into energy, but you can't simply consume anything that contains carbs and expect results. Your body needs a mix of simple and complex carbohydrates. This mix will allow your body to slowly turn carbohydrates into energy. If you consume too many simple carbs, such as flour-based foods, your body will burn through carbohydrates fast and use up your body's store of energy before you're even finished with your workout.

Some great sources of pre-workout carbs include:

  • Brown Rice
  • Low-fat yogurt
  • Bananas
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Whole Wheat Toast

When we think of carbohydrates, we always think of foods that will help supply our bodies with energy, but you can also get a stash of carbs from an enhanced sports performance beverage. Try supplementing your pre-workout snack with a TapouT Citrus Kick. TapouT Citrus Kick contains 30g carbohydrates that your body can use to push you through an intense workout session.


Hydration is important before, during and after a workout. If you become dehydrated during your training session, your body won't be able to perform and you may not achieve the best results possible. Make sure that you stick to a strict hydration regimen during the day and consume extra fluids an hour before your workout.

While consuming water is an important aspect of hydration, it may not be enough if you're looking to fully maximize your body's hydration levels. When you sweat, you lose more than just fluids; you sweat out the sodium your body requires to store and use fluids. TapouT contains 240mg of natural sodium that will optimize hydration and allow your body to stay hydrated longer than water alone.

During your workout, make sure you continue to consume fluids to replenish your body's supply as you sweat. During an incredibly straining workout, a TapouT sports drink can not only replenish fluids but continue to resupply your body's natural sodium and electrolyte reserves.

Once you've completed your workout, your body will need to replace the water that you've sweated out during training. Make sure that you consume plenty of water and supplement your post-workout hydration routine with a TapouT Citrus Kick or Cherry Lemonade Blast. Not only will TapouT supply the sodium that will help you properly rehydrate, it also contains all four electrolytes your body needs to help muscles recover from the strain of your workout. Just like sodium, you lose these electrolytes as you sweat. TapouT contains plenty of:

  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Chloride

While carbohydrates, electrolytes and sodium will help your body perform and recover, it's important not to neglect your mind and other physical systems. Including a sports drink such as TapouT in your workout hydration routine will also supply the vitamins necessary to keep your mind sharp and aid your nervous system as it communicates with the rest of your body. Both our Citrus Kick and zero-sugar Cherry Lemonade blast contain plenty of vitamins. A TapouT will supply your system with:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12

What to Eat For Recovery After a Workout

Your body burns much more than water when you work out. As we've mentioned before you use carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins, and replacing them after training is very important to your body's recovery efforts.

Your body uses carbohydrates to produce energy, and you'll need that energy long after you've finished working out. Eating foods or drinking sports beverages with these simple and complex carbs will give your body the energy it needs to recover and continue with your daily routine.

Your muscles also require protein in order to recover and regain their strength. If you don't consume protein after training, you may not see the growth you'd expect from an intense training session.

Some great after training recovery foods can include:

  • Lean Meats
  • Chocolate Milk
  • Seafood
  • Quinoa or Whole Grains
  • Beans, Chickpeas and Other Sources of Vegetable Protein

Don't wait too long before you begin refueling after working out. Your body is most efficient in replenishing carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins within two hours of physical activities. If you wait longer than two hours, you potentially lose 50 percent of your body's ability to replenish energy and provide protein for muscle growth.

Incorporating a TapouT into your recovery routine can replenish electrolytes, carbohydrates and vitamins as well as give your body the fluids it needs to promote efficient recovery.

About TapouT

TapouT comes in two flavors, our original Citrus Kick and our low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast. Our Citrus Kick contains plenty of carbs, vitamins and minerals to give your body a boost during its workout. Cherry Lemonade Blast contains all of the vitamins, sodium and electrolytes, but without the sugars and calories for those with lower impact workout routines or those who consume TapouT to hydrate during days with low activity levels.
