Temperatures will soon be on the rise and that means we'll be looking for refreshing ways to hydrate and stay cool. The good news is you have many choices to refresh your body when playing in the great outdoors.

Let's take a look at five different drinks that can help you beat the summer heat.


Water is the obvious choice when it comes to quenching our thirst. It helps regulate body temperature during hot temperatures and is easily available.

Fluids, especially water, are necessary to replace liquids we sweat out while enjoying the sunshine. As we lose fluids, dehydration sets in, and you can begin to dehydrate long before you ever begin to feel thirsty. Drinking water regularly can help cool down your body and ward off the harmful effects of exposure to the heat.

While water is the most basic solution, sometimes out bodies crave flavor and other nutrients not available in water, so let's explore some alternatives to beating the heat.

Sports Drinks

Sports drinks can also regulate your body temperature on a hot summer's day and, if you choose the right one, a sports drink can replenish fluids and fight off dehydration much better than water can.

Your body requires natural sodium to retain and use the fluids you consume. Sodium doesn't exist naturally in water or other beverages you may reach for to beat the heat. Most sports drinks contain sodium, some more than others. Both TapouT Citrus Kick and low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast contain 240mg of natural sodium. This is more than any other leading sports beverage brand. As you sweat you lose this precious mineral and drinking a TapouT can help you replenish your body's supply.

When exposed to the heat, you lose more than just sodium when you sweat, you risk depleting your body of essential vitamins and minerals. Both TapouT flavors have you covered.

Each bottle of TapouT contains all four electrolytes, potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride, as well as the following vitamins:

  • Vitamin A
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin E
  • Vitamins B2, B3, B5, B6 and B12

A TapouT Citrus Kick can give you a big edge if you're looking to beat the heat, especially if you plan on intense outdoor activity. If you're just looking for a refreshing beverage while relaxing in the sun, consider our 10-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast. You'll still get all the sodium, electrolytes and vitamins your body needs, but without the carbs.

Easy Protein Drinks

 Protein drinks can also be refreshing and help you cool off in the summer heat. Most easy protein drinks are yogurt-based, and low-fat yogurts can help your body absorb and retain more fluids throughout the day. Supplementing your beverage intake with a yogurt-based protein shake or smoothie can help you stay cool and ward off dehydration.

Protein drinks also usually contain fruits or vegetable matter, so you'll also be able to inject more vitamins into your system to keep you alert and active.

You can blend these drinks at home or find them in cafe's, grocery stores and specialty shops. Your choices are fairly unlimited, but some great protein combinations include yogurt blended with:

  • Green apples and kale
  • Mixed berries
  • Chocolate powder and coffee
  • Bananas and oat milk

Coconut Water

 Coconut water has greatly increased in popularity as a water substitute. It has many of the same benefits as water such as replenishing your body's fluid supply and regulating the internal temperature.

When choosing a coconut water brand, you'll have to look closely at the labels because not all brands of coconut water contain the same nutrients. The right brand of natural coconut water can be an adequate source of electrolytes and certain vitamins. While it may not contain 100-percent of your body's daily requirements, coconut water can contain:

  • Potassium
  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Calcium
  • Vitamin C

It's also been suggested that coconut water can help regulate blood pressure, and extreme heat may cause a rise in blood pressure in some people. Before buying coconut water, it's advised that you read the labels closely as some may include added sugar and other ingredients.

Green Tea

 Green tea has many health benefits and can be a great beverage on a hot summer day. It's flavorful and can be drunk hot or iced and still contain the same benefits. Its flavor can also be altered by fresh citrus and spices to create a refreshing beverage you'll gladly reach for on a hot day.

While you might think that tea will raise your internal temperature, green tea actually has the opposite effect. Green tea helps regulate your body's internal temperature and prevent a spike when spending time in hot environments. Green tea also contains antioxidants known as catechins. These catechins improve your skin's resistance to UV light exposure and help reduce the risk of skin cancer. While you should always consider sunscreen when spending time outdoors, green tea may have the potential to provide an extra layer of protection from the sun's rays.

Just a note, green tea does contain caffeine, but not as much as coffee or other teas. Those that are sensitive to caffeine may not want to overdo their green tea consumption on a hot day.