1. Drink for Your Weight

A good rule of thumb is to consume a half an ounce of water a day for every pound you weigh. An average-sized 150-pound person should drink 75 ounces, or 2.5 quarts. A good plan to get enough liquids is to drink a glass of water every hour. For an extra boost, try adding a TapouT Citrus Kick or low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast to your hydration routine.

2. Avoid Diuretics

Caffeinated tea and coffee, soda and alcohol actually strip your body of essential fluids rather than hydrate. Avoid these drinks if you're looking for better hydration. Substituting a low calorie sports drink such as TapouT's Cherry Blast Lemonade can give you a hydration boost as well as a flavorful water substitute.

3. Increase Water Intake When Ill

Illness takes a toll on our bodies, and we require more fluids in order to recover. Increasing your water intake can help speed recovery and boost your immune system. Supplementing your water intake with a TapouT sports beverage when sick will also aid in your return to health. TapouT beverages contain four essential electrolytes as well as a blend of vitamins C, A and E that your body requires for a robust immune system and illness suppression.

4. Start Hydration First Thing in the Morning

Your body burns fluids while you sleep. Get your hydration ritual off to a great start by drinking water when you wake up. Consuming a half to a full quart of water in the morning will replenish fluids lost overnight and flush your digestive tract for better health. Drinking coffee or tea first thing will actually negate any replenishment drinking water gives you shortly after waking. If you're looking for something to give you a boost in the morning, try a TapouT sports beverage. TapouT hydrates better than water and has plenty of B vitamins to give you a natural energy boost along with your fluid intake.

5. Drink Water at Regular Intervals

Hydrating is an incremental process. Consuming large amounts of water all at once won't efficiently rehydrate your body; some of those fluids are wasted before your body can use them. Try consuming water every hour, even if you don't necessarily feel thirsty. Waiting until you are thirsty means that your body is already suffering from a fluid deficiency. Including a sports drink with electrolytes and minerals such as Tapout's Citrus Kick in your hydration routine can help your body retain more fluids and boost the hydration process.

6. Carry a Water Bottle with You at all Times

Keeping a full water bottle at your desk, in your car or wherever you go keeps water handy. If water is always close at hand, you'll have no excuse not to stay properly hydrated throughout the day. There are specialty water bottles made for any use. Some water bottles are insulated to keep contents cold for extended periods of time, some come with belt clips if you're constantly on the go and many come with fluid-ounce markers on the side so you can keep track of how much water you've consumed throughout the day.

7. Make Hydration a Habit

Most people don't hydrate properly because they think they're too busy to take the time or simply don't think about it. Make proper hydration a part of your daily routine. Drink water with every meal, before you leave the house and when you get home. If you need an extra reminder, set an hourly alarm on your smart phone to remind you to drink a glass of water. Including a sports beverage with incredible flavor at a certain point of your day could help you to remember to stick to your hydration routine. If you have a TapouT Cherry Lemonade Blast waiting in the fridge when you get home, it'll be an important reminder to always hydrate at the end of the workday.

8. Increased Activity Requires Increased Hydration

Your body utilizes more fluids when you exercise, and intense exercise requires more than just fluids for recovery and replenishment. Both TapouT Citrus Kick and low-calorie Cherry Lemonade Blast contain the sodium to help your body replenish fluids, essential electrolytes like potassium, magnesium, calcium and chloride as well as eight vitamins to increase energy levels and performance.

Remember, that physical activity is not the only activity that saps your body's hydration levels. Periods of increased mental activity or stress can also cause dehydration. Be aware that your body needs more fluids during highly stressful times.

9. Drink the Best Fluids Available

Drink the best filtered water available. Some tap water or water from impure sources can have contaminates in it that will hamper your hydration and overall health. High-quality water from a pure source is simply the best for hydration. Including a bottled sports beverage such as TapouT in your hydration routine can give you the assurance that there are no contaminates in the fluids you consume to hydrate throughout the day.

10. Sweat

It may seem counterproductive, but perspiration is a key to keeping properly hydrated. Sweating cleans the blood stream and lymphatic system. It is the purest natural way to detox. Exercise, saunas and many other healthy avenues exist to make us sweat and clean the toxins from our body.

Always remember to replenish fluids after any regimen that causes you to perspire. A TapouT sports drink will help you quickly recover from intense workouts and help your body replace the fluids it has just lost during exercise or any other activity that causes perspiration.