Do you ever have one of those days when you're constantly feeling the symptoms of hunger and consuming an extra snack or two can't quite alleviate the feeling that you need food? 

Have you ever considered that your body isn't telling you that you need calories but that you're in danger of becoming dehydrated? Hunger and thirst often have the same warning signs, so let's take a look at how we can spot the difference and properly hydrate to relieve symptoms of dehydration.

Common Symptoms Hunger and Dehydration Share

Whenever you feel hungry at times you know you shouldn't be, you may wish to take a moment to evaluate your symptoms before reaching for a quick bite.

Common hunger signs include:

  • Empty feeling in the stomach
  • Nausea
  • Light-headedness
  • Headache
  • Irritability

Warning signs of dehydration include:

  • Headache
  • Dizziness
  • Sluggish feeling
  • Dry skin
  • Nausea
  • Increased heart rate

As you can see, dehydration and hunger share similar symptoms, some of them even being the exact same. That's because the same part of our brain that assesses hunger also assesses thirst. If you take a close look at common symptoms, however, you'll see a few that hunger and thirst do not share. While you'll notice that both hunger and thirst can cause nausea and headaches, hunger does not cause dry skin. If you feel hungry but also have drier skin than normal, your body may be telling you that you're thirsty.

If you take a good look at these symptoms, there are a few that you may interpret as different symptoms. An increased heart rate can seem like anxiousness or irritability and dizziness and light-headedness sometimes feel like the same thing. If these symptoms are so similar, how should we react if we're unsure whether we're receiving pangs of hunger or warning signs of dehydration?

Assessing Hunger or Thirst

If you're beginning to feel hungry, but you know you shouldn't be, run a mental check to see if you are experiencing the signs of dehydration before you reach for food. If you're still unsure, don't guess, reach for a glass of water or a TapouT sports beverage.

Drinking fluids when you're unsure whether you're hungry or dehydrated is taking the safest bet. We're not saying to continually drink until the feeling of hunger goes away, we're simply saying to consume some fluids and wait half an hour to see if symptoms dissipate. If they do, make sure you up your fluid consumption throughout the day. The best defense against dehydration is to remain fully hydrated all day. You should plan on consuming fluids every hour to ward off the effects of thirst. If hunger pangs continue, try a healthy snack such as fruits or vegetables that can help with both hunger and hydration.

Side-Effects of Dehydration

Continual signs of hunger or thirst may also be signs that your body is running low on the minerals and vitamins that it needs to perform. Dehydration not only saps your body of fluids but uses up your body's store of vitamins and electrolytes. If you're having trouble rehydrating or feeling slow, light-headed or nauseous even after consuming water, try drinking a sports beverage such as TapouT instead. Hunger pangs and signs of thirst share common symptoms with a lack of vitamins in your diet. TapouT beverages can help alleviate this deficiency by providing your body with:

  • Eight Vitamins
  • Magnesium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Calcium

While water may supply your body with fluids, it lacks these important minerals and vitamins, so dehydration symptoms may continue even after drinking water.

Sluggishness and nausea may also be signs that your body is having trouble retaining the water it needs to function. TapouT sports beverages contain 240mg of natural sodium. Sodium is vital for proper hydration, and without it the water you drink may be going to waste. Drinking a sports beverage such as TapouT can help your body make better use of the water you consume.

How to Hydrate Properly

The best way to avoid the confusion between hunger signs and dehydration symptoms is to stay fully hydrated all day long. Set yourself a hydration schedule starting with the moment you wake up. Skip the morning coffee and have a TapouT Cherry Lemonade Blast or Citrus Kick with breakfast. This will give your body the vitamins and electrolytes your body craves and begin a healthy hydration regimen first thing in the morning.

After that, settle yourself into a strict hydration routine. Consume water, freshly made juice or other water alternative every hour on the hour. If you're still struggling with the hunger or thirst conundrum during the day, make sure you supplement your routine with a TapouT sports drink.

You may also want to be aware that your hydration needs will increase with physically and mentally stressful activities. If you have a stressful profession, spend time in the heat or have an intense afternoon workout planned, you may wish to increase your fluid intake as the day wears on.

Finally, remind yourself that hunger pangs may not always be hunger. When in doubt, replenish your fluids before snacking.