
Do you make sure you stay hydrated every day? If you are reading this blog post, chances are you try to maintain a healthy lifestyle as much as possible. You probably try to stay on top of your workout routine every week. You probably also try to eat as healthily as possible. If you are like most people trying to live a healthy lifestyle, your reasons for doing so extend beyond just trying to look good. Perhaps you have a family history of health problems that you are trying to avoid. You may be trying to optimize your mental health. More likely than not, you are living a healthy lifestyle because you want to live a long and healthy life. Staying sufficiently hydrated continually is also necessary to live a long and healthy life.

Everyone knows how important it is to stay hydrated during physical activity, like aerobic exercise and resistance training. Staying hydrated during exercise can help ensure you do not experience issues like muscle cramps, fatigue, and other serious problems. However,
a recent study about hydration, health, and longevity has also found that staying hydrated continually helps you live longer and avoid chronic diseases.

This study looked at serum sodium levels in study participants' blood as an indication of
hydration levels in the body. High serum sodium levels in the blood indicate insufficient hydration levels in the body. This study found that participants with high serum sodium levels in their blood have a significantly older biological age than participants with serum sodium levels in the normal range. Being chronically dehydrated was also found to be associated with a whole host of chronic diseases that affect many people as they age. Similar studies point to the possibility of human lifespans being shortened by as much as 15 years due to the effects of chronic dehydration alone. Thankfully, you can largely control how well you age and how long you live through diet, exercise, and staying hydrated!

How Do I Know if I am Sufficiently Hydrated?

You may be surprised, but about 50 percent of adults do not drink the recommended amount of liquid to maintain sufficient hydration levels in the body. The best way is to keep track of your daily intake of fluids. The CDC recommended 51 ounces of fluid daily for adults aged 20-29 years old and 43 ounces per day for adults 40-59 years old. Generally speaking, water and other beverages can count towards your hydration goals, but try to avoid drinks with too much sugar, like sodas. It is also recommended that you load up on fluids before endurance exercise.

How Electrolyte Drinks Help You Stay More Hydrated

If you are active and regularly engage in a workout routine, your hydration needs will be even higher than more sedentary people. This is because your body loses necessary electrolytes at a fast rate during athletic training that are necessary to help you remain hydrated. Sports drinks like TAPOUT Hydration can help you sufficiently rehydrate your body with the essential electrolytes you need to stay continually hydrated. However, it is also important to note that not all sports drinks are the same. For example, TAPOUT Hydration contains five essential electrolytes your body needs to remain sufficiently hydrated, while other sports drinks only have two or three electrolytes. Stay hydrated, friends!


Dmitrieva, N. I., Gagarin, A., Liu, D., Wu, C. O., & Boehm, M. (2023, January 2). Middle-age high normal serum sodium as a risk factor for accelerated biological aging, chronic diseases, and premature mortality. eBioMedicine. Retrieved January 11, 2023, from https://www.thelancet.com/journals/ebiom/article/PIIS2352-3964(22)00586-2/fulltext


TAPOUT Performance Hydration and Recovery Drinks have been designed to activate your body's natural energy reserves, improve performance during competition and training and promote quick and healthy recovery after exercise.

TAPOUT comes in four flavors:

  • Citrus
  • Cherry Lemonade
  • Orange
  • Peach Mango

Our Citrus flavor has 120 calories to replenish natural energy and give you a boost under difficult training conditions. It also has 240mg of natural sodium, and a blend of electrolytes and vitamins. As you work out, these vitamins and electrolytes are used by your body or lost in sweat. That's why each TAPOUT contains:

  • Vitamins A, C, E
  • The Vitamin B Complex
  • Potassium
  • Calcium
  • Magnesium
  • Chloride

If you're looking for a sports performance drink that replenishes these electrolytes and vitamins but prefer a no-sugar drink, TAPOUT Orange and Cherry Lemonade contain the same scientifically derived formula with zero sugar and only five calories.

No matter which flavor you choose, you can be assured that you're getting great taste from a sports drink made with no artificial colors, flavors or ingredients.